A Focused Fund Manager

Rather than creating a wide product range we offer in-depth knowledge in a well-defined investment area: thematic growth in global equities. Management is singularly committed to retain its authoritative position in Global Trends investing.

A Modern FinTech Company

The business model is based on best practices emanating from technological advances in financial services and modern business services. We own proprietary portfolio, risk management and commercial systems: non-critical functions are out-sourced. The working environment is designed to enhance the human capital of the company.

Maximum Transparency and Accessibility

We pursue a policy of full transparency (within relevant legal constraints); we are convinced that our human capital ultimately drives the company’s value and disclosure of a portfolio snap-shot, by way of example, therefore does not threaten our competitive position. Major investors have full access to analysts and fund managers as well as the operations team.

Execution: Aiming at Zero Mistakes

Our operations team aims to be Best in Class; we are aware that investors’ experiences with fund management groups are often affected by administrative frustrations.

The Custodian and Administrator are continuously monitored and they will confirm that the level of oversight on them is exemplary.

Key Contacts

Tim Nelson

[email protected]

+44 1481 734355


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